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Mary Mehajer, the founder of the "Girls Beyond Boundaries" Initiative, has an immense and dear desire to help those in need. Close to her heart is helping children suffering from life treating illnesses and diseases. This includes children suffering from the wrecks of war in third world countries who have suffered major losses, resulting in orphanage, homelessness, and a cry for basic food and water. The Sparkle of Hope Charity Ball has a main focus on raising funds to donate to desperate charities in need, namely, the selected Sydney Children’s Hospital in Australia and the René Moawad Foundation in Lebanon. Both organisations require immense assistance to:

  • assist in research to find cures for life threatening illnesses and disease

  • directly help children access basic necessities, health facilities and education programs.


As the current title holder of Miss Lebanon Australia 2016, Mary feels it is most appropriate to use her platform to reach people from all walks of life, diversities and backgrounds and help those in need. By doing so, Mary hopes to shine light on those truly struggling in this world and give access to equal opportunity; an opportunity she believes everybody is deserving of.

About us

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